Tag: erectile dysfunction

  • Erectile Dysfunction Vacuum Therapy Pump

    Erectile Dysfunction Vacuum Therapy Pump A great how to instructional video for how to use vacuum therapy pump with awesome graphics by the artist for easy to understand visual artwork.

  • More and more medical places offering penis pumps

    We have noticed that more and more medical stores are offering penis pumps. I wonder if it all started with the pot-t-vac commercials, or if all of these medical supply places have always had pumps for sale, they are just more noticeable. We have seen that places offering medicaid covered penis pumps have been in…

  • How I became a penis pumper

    I was working in a sex toys store, and I had people asking me questions, inquiring about the uses for a penis pump. They wanted to know how they worked, and if they worked. I had no idea at the time, so I did some research. When we sold a pump in the store it…